David was an 18 year-old senior who would have graduated this month from Grant High School in Valley Village. In March while on his bike, he was struck and killed by a driver who ran a red light. Driver fled the scene and has not yet been found. City Council voted to award $50,000 for any leads that will result in the capture of the perpetrator.
Join the Granados Family, students and friends at Grant High School, and the LACBC on a memorial ride for David Granados.
This ride is a silentride. http://www.rideofsilence.org/main.php
This ride is open to the public - everyone is welcome. Helmets are required on this ride. LACBC will be handing out rules of the road pocket guides, giving away lights and helmets to those who needs them, and the ride will be escorted by police.
Wednesday May 15, 2013
Ride route: http://goo.gl/maps/FqLgU
Ride Length: about 45 minutes
Meet at 3:20 p.m. and roll at 3:50 p.m. We will be at the stage area in the quad near the front of the school on Oxnard (just inside the front gates).
If you are a Grant High School student or teacher, please RSVP with Ms. Kommer at amc8418@lausd.net
Volunteers are needed, please contact Alek at alek@la-bike.org.or call 213.629.2142